Happy Earth Day: the day intended to bring awareness and appreciation for the environment. Some choose to plant a tree or introduce some recycling bins in their home, while others help pick up trash. I think what people don't realize is that they can make a big difference for the environment in little ways.
At our house we save our cans and on Earth Day weekend, we take them in to be recycled. Something my hubby has done since the day I meet him. He sometimes takes the money and gives it to United Way.
For me,

I’m going to scoot around in my microfiber slippers and clean today! That is my way of celebrating Earth Day 2011!
One way you can make an impact is to use green household cleaners. Not only is it better for the earth but you will keep a lot of harsh chemicals out of your home and away from your family.
Nothing like last minute but after work today I am going home to clean for our Easter guests (arriving tonight) told you it was last minute.
When cleaning by bath and shower I use old dryer fabric softener sheets! Soap scum can be a struggle. One way to prevent it is to wipe down the tub or shower after each use. But really??? So, we have soap scum. But, it doesn't have to get out of control by using a common household laundry supply - the dryer sheet. I didn't believe it at first, but it really works! All you have to use is an old dryer sheet. You can use new ones but why not use old ones, they work just the same.
As far as the rest of the house, I love love love the smell of cleaning products. I have a fetish with buying them just not using them. But have you ever noticed how expensive some of the “green” products are? So there are ways you can make a great “green” product at home for pennies on the dollar.
All-Purpose Cleanser:
1 Cup Distilled Water
1/2 Cup Vinegar
1/2 Teaspoon Liquid Soap (optional)
Mix ingredients in a spray bottle. Shake before use.
In general any cleaning supplies made out of Baking soda, water, vinegar or liquid soap or detergent are said to be “eco-friendly” and will do the job when it comes to cleaning.
Cheers to Earth Day AND my race to get the house clean before our guest arrive.