This summer has been racing by.
Too fast.
I wish I could just bottle a bit of the time. Just some moments. Moments of quietness. Of watching the sun set and seeing a night sky bursting with brilliant stars. Of eating just one more Smore and not caring. Of forgetting the day to day life and embracing life. Embracing family. Just living and enjoying the summer.
I also realized I have not posted lately, so you’re going to get our last few weeks all in one…tracking your life in a blog can be harder than I thought. I have missed writing.
So what’s happened these last few weeks?!?!
Well, we moved in, got settled in, and then went through the tornado and hail storm. Our new house will need a new roof, siding and front door. The insurance adjuster will be coming tomorrow to tell us exactly the cost of the damage. Below is a picture of the Metra, our community event complex.

Bailey left for boot camp the 5th of July. We are thinking of her and missing her lots this summer. I am anticipating her call home to let us know how to write her.
Kyle and I celebrated our 1 year anniversary in Big Sky, zip lining, getting massages, hiking, water sliding and playing in the pool like kids, eating “mopped burgers” at the Chopper pub (it was really a moped burger and I said mopped to the server…embarrassing) and choking down a few bites of freezer burnt cake. It is hard to believe that this year has gone so quickly. I’m truly blessed to be head over heels in love with such a great guy.

As we all know it is wedding season, and a fun season it has been for us. What a season full of love! I love weddings. Each wedding we attend remind me in some ways of my own. I adore when Kyle requests our first dance song and hope he will do that for many years to come.
Calling all...sons, daughters, brothers, sisters, moms and dads, cousins, uncles, aunts, nephews, nieces…an event where everyone was something to someone! We just returned from the Mahana Family Reunion. Mahana is my mom’s side so this included all of Grandpa’s brothers and their families in Ennis MT. It topped the charts for one of the greatest times with family.

Summers like these are blessings. Reminders of how this world is temporary -- that there is more beyond the daily grind. They are moments of pause, of beauty, of connectedness.
I'm going to savor these sweet summer days.