Last night my niece Presley graduated from preschool, class of 2023. The kids had to tell all the audience what they wanted to be when they grow up. Pres humbly said she wanted to work at Pet Smart when she grows up.
What you want to be when you grow up was the topic for Maci and me in the car on our way home. Maci was a little fretful that all these kids younger than her had a plan for the future already and she doesn’t. At maci’s preschool graduation she said she wanted to be a baby nurse like her auntie Chrissy. Last night I had to enlighten her that their little minds will change 100 times between now and when they settle on what they really want to do when they grow up. Heck, in reality I’m not sure I, in actual fact, know what I want to do when I grow up.
Maci decided as our conversation came to a close that she wants to be a heart surgeon for babies. WOW, remarkable career choice I said. She followed that comment with the question; do they make a lot of money mom? Well a lot more than mom I informed her. (Yes!! she whispered) So does that mean I could have a house with 4 garages, she asked. At this little innocent age she believes a big house is one with 4 garages and if you have 4 garages your one of the financially “rich”. As for me I believe that if Maci is going to be a heart surgeon I better double up on my monthly deposit into her collage fund starting now, ha ha. But proudly, I said honey you can be anything you set your desires on.
It is conversations like this with Maci that amaze me at how much she has grown this year. She thinks with logic and converses like an adult. She weighs her options and makes rational decisions. But what I find most intriguing about my little bean is she cares so much for other people.