Maybe it’s because I’m a professional working mom, a mom whom carries the drive to climb the ladder kind of working mom, with guilt in the back of my mind that personal success will not come without hard work and commitment to something other than my family. But none the less I’ve really been sensitive lately to the seeming onslaught of media messages trying to make me feel guilty as a mom.
Sometimes the messages are subtle. Sometimes, they’re blatant, like the campaigns for a “food revolution” or “turning off the TV” – celebrities and pundits telling us we’re “killing our kids” by letting them eat Pop Tarts and not organic carrots or we are simply letting them watch too much Dora…you know the drill.
All of that I can see past with the belief that in our home we are doing our best. But for some reason my guilt is really riding me today. Many of you know the feeling of being a nanny deprived working mom, and there for I know you can relate.
I think today’s guilt induced meltdown is coming from “the peanut butter on bread” story. What you say? Peanut butter on bread, get over it lady kids love that. But here is my peanut butter on bread story….
Our house has been a little chaotic these past few weeks with putting our house on the market. After picking Maci up from school yesterday one of the first things she tells me is that she needed lunch money. With the crackle in her voice and the thought in my mind that lunch money has never been an issue before, I happily said sure are you out? I’m usually on top of sending a check around the begging in of the month to pay for her lunches. She proceeded to tell me the lady told me today I needed money and then she handed me some bread with peanut butter, I really wanted chicken nuggets but I couldn’t have them because I didn’t have any money. Yep, right then my heart skipped a beat. Then she told me she kind of began to cry because she really wanted the chicken nuggets. But she said I walked away, gathered myself and ate the peanut butter on bread. So there you have it… my guilt induced meltdown, over peanut butter on bread. How did I miss that she didn’t have money left for lunch???
I think we all want to be the best moms we can be. And for the most part, we’re all doing our best. Sure, there’s room for improvement. I should have sent lunch money. I could make more efforts to feed my family less processed food and more fresh fruits and veggies. I should turn off the TV more often and get Maci out in nature. I need to do a few more things to “green” our home and lifestyle.
I guess my point is, I’m going try not to let all those messages of guilt get to me and don’t let them get to you. I know it's hard. I know were bombarded. But hold your ground as a mom and a person, believe in yourself, and do what's right for you. I don’t think there has EVER been a perfect mom out there so ok I’m still a good mom. That’s how I am seeing past peanut butter on bread.
PS. You can bet she had money today